Facilities Use Coordinator

Please click the “Reserve A Room” button and fill out the form for permission to use Cummington Town Facilities.


For-Profit Group/Businesses–Note: A Contract to use the Community House for For-Profit use with information of the name and contact details for the person responsible must be completed.

Cleaning/ DamageSecurity Deposit

•All users are responsible for set up, clean up and trash removal after their event or program and arranging the area in the way it existed prior to their use of it. (See After Use Checklists posted through out the building.) All tables and chairs must be returned to their storage area. All trash must be taken with you when you leave the premises.

•A security deposit of $50 or 30% of the rental fee, whichever is greater, is required for the rental of the facility and should be submitted as a separate check from the fee. Security deposits are returned when Community House Coordinator is satisfied that any damage and/or cleanup has been taken care of by the renter.

Smoking and Alcohol Use

•There is no smoking or vaping of any kind allowed on any town property.

•Alcohol may be served in accordance with the state law and town policy. An application for a One-Day Special Liquor License along with page 2 of the application for One-Day Special Liquor License must be completed.

The Selectboard reserves the right to refuse to allow any use of the premises if they deem it would not be in the best interest of the Town of Cummington or the building.

The Selectboard reserves the right to reduce or waive the fees listed above if good cause is shown.

Private and Community Facilities Use 

Before signing and submitting the following forms, applicants must read and agree to abide by Town of Cummington Fees and Requirements for Building Use. That document also contains information about rental fees Click for Fees and Requirements PDF


After Use Checklist

The completed forms may be submitted in person or by email attachment to the Community House Coordinator, chcoor@cummington-ma.gov, at the Town Clerk office, 33 Main Street or by mailing to Community House Coordinator, PO Box 128, Cummington, MA 01026. 

Thank you for using the Cummington Coordinators calendar to book a room for your event.

The Coordinator will be in contact to confirm your room reservation.

Town of Cummington

Main: (413) 634-5353

Fax: (413) 634-5568

Emergency: 911

Community House

33 Main St. Cummington, MA 010260

8am – 5pm daily