A Short History

In 2011 the Cummington Broadband Committee was formed to research among all options which high speed internet concept would be best for the town. In June 2018 The Committee became The Cummington Municipal Light Plant Board. The members appointed at that time were Allan Douglas (MLP Manager), Michael Perkins, Brenda Arbib, Scott Keith, and Maureen Tumenas. Since then the MLP Board has been elected pursuant to the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws c. 164.

The Cummington MLP board actively pursued the options available to the town of Cummington for a FTTH (fiber to the home) network. An intergovernmental contract was signed in June 2017 with Westfield Gas + Electric MLP for Fiber Network Design and Construction. The first subscribers to the FTTH network were live in March of 2020. Currently, January 2022, we have 367 subscribers for internet and 115 for VOIP phone.

Our ISP (Internet Service Provider) is Westfield’s Whip City Fiber (WCF) and they are bringing Internet at the speed of light to the Town of Cummington.

Over 360 Subscribers

With a gigabit internet connection from Cummington Connect (1,000 Mbps for download and upload), you will have enough speed for everything you do online.

Sign Up for Internet or Phone

Use this link to go to Whip City Fiber and sign up for internet at the speed of light and also VOIP phone service. The Cummington Fiber Network uses Whip City Fiber as our ISP (Internet Service provider).

Find Your FSA by Street

Find the FSA your residence or business is located in. Click the link below to go to a table with FSA numbers and Streets.

Find Your FSA by Map

Use the link to download a PDF map of the Cummington Fiber Network. Zoom in to locate your residence and see what FSA you are in. The FSAs are outlined in orange

ACP Program

Use this link to sign up for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). If you are eligible, you can get $30/month deducted from your internet bill.

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a Federal Communications Commission program that helps connect families and households who need assistance to afford internet service. This new benefit provides an ongoing discount of up to $30 per month towards your Whip City Fiber broadband service for eligible households.

If you could use help paying for internet access, sign up for the ACP today. New eligibility requirements may allow customers to qualify who were not eligible for the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB).