Highway Superintendent Alan Taylor and Selectboard members announced that the following roads will be closed from December 1, 2024, or from the first snow, until the end of mud season (May 1, 2025): Stage Road from house number 200-132; Trow Road from house number 43-88; Tirrell Hill Road from House number ...
read more...Member | Title | Phone | Term Start | Term End |
Jason Forgue | Inspector | 413-205-6504 | 2024 | 2025 |
Meeting times: Mondays from 3-4:30 PM |
Term: Appointed by the Selectboard for 1 year |
Compensation: $12,566/year |
Email: buildinginspector@cummington-ma.gov |
Requests for inspections/meetings can be made by calling: 413-205-6504, or by emailing jforgue@cummington-ma.gov
There will be no Buildimg Inspector hours on Monday, 11/25/24.
Application Forms
Guide to the Permitting Process for Construction of 1 & 2 Family Dwelling (Form 1) - Rev. 8/20
Form 1 for new Construction of 1 & 2 Family Dwelling - Rev. 8/20
Form 2 - Residential renovations/Additions/Accessory Structures - Rev. 8/20
Form 3 - Solid Fuel Burning Appliances, fireplace and chimney - doc format - Rev. 8/20
Form 4 - Swimming Pools - Rev. 8/20
Form 5 - Commercial Application - Rev 8/20
Tent Application - Rev 8/20
When is a building permit necessary?
As a homeowner or contractor, there may be times when you are uncertain whether it is necessary to secure a building permit. The following guidelines should be used: Work Requiring a Permit: (The following list is not meant to be exclusive, if you are in doubt as to whether the work you are considering needs a permit, please call the Building Inspector.)
• New homes, additions, garages, or storage sheds.
• Interior renovations, involving the cutting away of any wall or structural member.
• Decks and ramps.
• Roofing (when re-roofing more than 25% of existing roof).
• Siding (when re-siding more than 25% of existing house).
• Window or exterior door replacement.
• The installation of swimming pools, hot tubs, or spas.
• Fences over 6ft high.
• Retaining walls over 4ft high.
• Wood stoves, fireplace inserts, fireplaces, or chimneys.
• Demolition of any existing structure.
• Signs-new or alteration of existing signs.
• Change of use (e.g., from storage to living space.)
A Permit Is Not Necessary For Ordinary Repairs: "Any maintenance which does not affect the structure, egress, fire protection systems, fire ratings, energy conservation provisions, plumbing, sanitary, gas, electrical or other utilities."
Why Should I get a permit? Because it is the law. Massachusetts Building Code(780CMR 110.0) states: "It shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, remove or demolish a building or structure...without first filing a written application with the building official and obtaining the required permit therefore."
In addition, a building permit is for your own protection. The building inspector will require the work performed to meet the standards of the Mass Building Code, which translates into your security. Insurance companies may require a Certificate of Occupancy or approval of the building official for certain work. If you are a licensed contractor, failure to secure a building permit could result in the loss of your license.
How To Obtain a Permit: Permit applications can be found, generally, at Town Offices. There are four separate permit applications(general, swimming pools, wood stove/ chimney, and roofing/windows/siding). Follow the directions on the application and mail or deliver the application to the Cummington building inspector’s office in the Cummington Community House, Cummington MA.
How Long Does it Take? In most cases, a completed application can be approved within 7-10 days. A notice will be sent, advising you of a date when the permit can be picked up at the town office, and the appropriate fee paid.
What happens if I don't get a permit? Fees will be doubled if work has been started prior to issuance of a permit. In addition, local zoning by-laws and the Mass Building Code have provisions for fines and/or prosecution for work done without a permit, in violation of by-laws.