Cummington Seal
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Official Notices

Selectboard Agenda Protocol

Posted on 01/15/25

Newly-adopted Town of Cummington Selectboard Agenda Protocol adopted by the SB at their 1.2.2025 meeting....


Dog License Info 2025

Posted on 01/10/25
January 2025: Dog licenses are being sent out in the next few weeks and are available here on the website on the Town Clerks page. They are due by March 31st.  Please complete the form and return to the Town Clerk. Office hours are Mondays 8-11:30am and Thursdays 3:30-6:30pm. If these hours are not

Winter Road Closures - 2024/2025

Posted on 11/09/24

Highway Superintendent Alan Taylor and Selectboard members announced that the following roads will be closed from December 1, 2024, or from the first snow, until the end of mud season (May 1, 2025):  Stage Road from house number 200-132; Trow Road from house number 43-88; Tirrell Hill Road from House number ...

Cummington Pictures

Cummington Town Clerk

Member Title Phone Term Start Term End
Brenda Emerson-Camp
Eliza Dragon
Town Clerk
Assistant Town Clerk

Meeting times: Monday 8-11:30 am; Thursdays from 3:30-6:30 pm
Term: Elected for 3 years at the Annual Town Meeting
Compensation: $15,510/year - Asst. Town Clerk $7280


Email Town Clerk -

Email Assistant Town Clerk -


Fees: Birth Certificates, Death Certificates and Marriage Certiticates $10 Each; Marriage Intentions = $20.00 each

Business CertificateClick here for PDF.

Marriage Intentions and Supplement (both need to be filled out):  Click here for PDF.  Supplement

Public Records Access Guidelines and Request Form  (FOIA) Click here for PDF (12/8/22)


Warrants, town meeting minutes/results and special town meeting minutes can be found under Government, Town Meetings


Dog Licenses

January 2025: Dog licenses are being sent out in the next few weeks and are available here on the website on the Town Clerks page. They are due by March 31st.  Please complete the form and return to the Town Clerk. Office hours are Mondays 8-11:30am and Thursdays 3:30-6:30pm. If these hours are not convenient and you wish to pay through the mail, please send the license form below, a current rabies certificate, payment made out to The Town of Cummington and self-addressed stamped envelope to Town of Cummington, Attn: Town Clerk, PO Box 128, Cummington, Ma 01026. There is also a secure drop box located by the back door of the Community House or the Town Clerks folder in the Selectboard room. 
A $10 fee will be charged for any late registrations. 
There is no late fee charge for new residents or "new to you" puppies or dogs.
Thank you.

Dog License Form

Dog Licsenses and Fees

2023 Massachusetts Municipal Guide

Municipal Publishing, LLC is proud to present the 2023 Massachusetts Municipal Guide.  Guide Link: